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Vermont Fluorescent Bulb Recycling Regulations

Vermont Fluorescent Bulb Recycling Regulations

Quick Facts:

  • Due to mercury concerns, recycling fluorescent bulbs is required by law by the Vermont Dept. of Environmental Conservation
  • Crushing fluorescent bulbs is not allowed in Vermont
  • Prepaid bulb recycling by mail is allowed in Vermont

Recycling Options Available in Vermont:


Fill up containers with bulbs, ballasts, batteries, or e-waste at your own pace and mail back via prepaid shipping

Start Now


For larger amounts of bulbs, ballasts, batteries, or e-waste. Trucks come pick up waste at your location for recycling

Schedule a Pickup
Learn More

Questions about recycling in your state? Contact us for more information. 

Detailed Vermont Fluorescent Bulb Recycling Regulations  

The stringency chart below provides examples of state regulations compared to the EPA regulations.
We strongly recommend that you discuss stringency with your primary state regulatory contact. This information should not be interpreted as definitive legal guidance. This document was produced in June 2004, and we do not guarantee its accuracy after that date, as state policies may change at any time.

("same" means the state policy is the same as the federal policy)

Confused about terminology (CESQG, UW, TCLP, etc.)? Refer to this glossary for help.

Jurisdiction Generator Exemption
Where can waste from CESQG go? Can the waste be declared non- hazardous, based on TCLP? Other stringency or exemptions?
Federal EPA Generators producing less than 100 kg (220 pounds) of hazardous waste (HW) or 1 kg acute HW in each month, including all HW generated. CESQGs are exempt from federal rules, but not exempt from liability (40 CFR 261.5) Waste may go to any Municipal Solid Waste Landfill (MSWLF) Wastes that test less than 0.2mg/l soluble mercury are not considered hazardous under federal rules. Crushing can only be done by generator (40 CFR 262.34); crushed waste that is not UW- must be managed as RCRA HW. Crushing not allowed within federal UWR, but may be within State UW regulations. No one may crush third-party lamps without treatment authorization [1]. No mobile treatment units.
Vermont No CESQG exemption Waste must go to RCRA Sub-C facility or state equivalent No, in addition, mercury-containing lamps, which are labeled with oHgö or other mercury identifier, are banned from landfill disposal regardless of mercury content. same

State Regulatory Contacts

Primary Contact Title Agency Address Phone E-Mail
Tom Benoit Hazardous Materials Specialist

Department of Environmental Conservation, Agency of Natural Resources, Environmental Assistance Division

103 S. Main St. Waterbury, VT 05676

(802) 241-3472
Secondary Contact Title Phone Area of Responsibility
Gary Gulka Chief of Waste Prevention Section, (802) 241-3626 Recycling policy, regulations
  Environmental Assistance Division    
Karen Busshart Manager of Mercury Project (802) 241-3455 Education, lamp labeling
Toll Free Pollution Prevention Hotline 1-800-974-9559 (Only Within State) 8-5 M-F

More Resources

Web Links and Informational Resources
Universal Waste Rule
Mercury Page
Agency Web Site
Disposal of Lamps Containing Mercury Guide

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